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Coping With Problem People
John was about to give up. He had had it with his manager’s explosions. It wasn’t bad enough that he felt like a child, but when his manager raised his voice and demoralized him, it went too far…
5 Characteristics of Peak Sales Performers
Are you a peak sales performer? It seems as though every sales pro thinks they are the best. Nobody else can sell like them…
Coping With Call Aversion
Don prides himself on being a professional. But he’d like his sales production to be a little higher. He’s tired of watching new…
How to Achieve Those New Year's Goals
Jan was excited last year with her new resolutions. She set goals to lose 20 pounds, prospect more for business, ask for more…
How to Triple Your Sales
n 1980, Don Speakman was making a little over $18,000 a year as an underpaid assistant at a printing company. He struggled…
How to Stay Motivated
It’s 8 am on Monday morning. You had a great weekend and wish it didn’t have to end. Last week was finished with a bang but…
Procrastination: Putting Off Today What You Can Do Tomorrow
Have you ever before procrastinated? Have you put off returning phone calls only to find that you are too embarrassed to…
How to Gain Your Customer's Trust - Quick!
John, an experienced mortgage broker, was about to meet with a very qualified customer. John had persuaded his prospect…
When Good Salespeople Get Bad Clients (or How to Keep Customers Sold)
Recently, Tom worked three long months trying to make a high commission sale to a wealthy professional, Doctor Bill Marks…
3 Steps to Perfect Probing
One day a young, hardworking grocery clerk was stocking lettuce in the produce section. The fair haired clerk, whose…
How to Use Referrals
How to use Referrals…
How to Deal With the Toughest Objections
Ned was feeling confident! After meeting twice with his prospective client, Ned knew he had the perfect product for the right situation…
Marketing in the New Millennium: 5 Steps To Win Big For The Next 1000 Years
The US senate panel on Y2K convened. The committee had been hearing horror forecasts regarding the nation’s lack of preparedness.
The Triggers That Influence Customers
Recently in an Arizona jewelry store, the owner received an allotment of turquoise settings that were not selling. Even though the tourist season was at…
Coping with Time Pressure in an "I Want It Now" World
John needed to process the paperwork on 5 more sales by noon and had another 10 issues to iron out in underwriting. He was falling behind in his…
Marketing to the Affluent: How to Find and Sell to Them
He probably wears a $50 watch. You won’t see him on a yacht. But you would find him in his office commonly until 7:00 p.m. (even on Saturdays)…