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“Without a doubt, yours was the most heavily attended and the most spirited audience of all the main speakers at our conference. Your presentation was entertaining, participatory, and educational – What more could you ask for?”

Bruce R. Stephany

Chubb Corporation, President

“The attendees raved about the material, your presentation, and your humor.”

Judith Fischer

Program Chair, National Association Of Women Bus. Owners

“I have never witnessed a speaker with your powerful ability to capture an audience. I was astounded at the way in which the audience became completely involved with your presentation. I truly believe that you have that magical ability to communicate with individuals that very few speakers possess.”

Cal. K. Clemmons

CAE. Executive Director, Fire Suppression Systems Association

“I must admit that after reading your book and getting to know you a bit personally, I anticipated a good live performance. But you truly exceeded my expectations. I cannot remember a speaker who received more praise from our group of people.”

Richard Hogue

Vice President, Century 21 International

“…You were the best speaker we have ever had at a conference. Your message was superb, your delivery extraordinary.”

Murray Whitehorn, CLU, C.H.F.C.

J.E. Martin, Marketing Vice President, Canada Life Assurance Company

“Even though a week has expired since you presented your seminar to our coaching staff, we are still talking about your presentation. You made the subject matter interesting, consumerable, and exciting.”

George Raveling

Former Head Coach, USC Basketball Team

“Without a doubt, yours was the most heavily attended and the most spirited audience of all the main speakers at our conference. Your presentation was entertaining, participatory, and educational – What more could you ask for?”

Bruce R. Stephany

Chubb Corporation, President

“The attendees raved about the material, your presentation, and your humor.”

Judith Fischer

Program Chair, National Association Of Women Bus. Owners

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