Kerry L. Johnson, MBA, Ph.D. is a best-selling author and speaker who speaks at least 8 times a month ranging from Hong Kong to Halifax, and from New Zealand to New York. Traveling 8,000 miles each week, he speaks on such topics as “How to Read Your Customer’s Mind,” “The Trust Connection,” and ” How to Increase Your Business by 80% within 8 weeks. Here are some of Kerry’s speaking titles.
How To Read Your Customer’s Mind
Most top business owners and executives today mention people skills as critical to increasing their business. Yet most companies spend nearly 100% of available training time discussing the products and the details surrounding the makeup of those saleable goods and services. The truth is that your prospective customers never have and never will make their decision based solely on products or services. They make their decision to buy based on you.
New research conducted at the University of California at San Diego has shown that trust is worth 17% of the gross price of your product or service. This means you can increase your prices by 15% and you won’t lose business. It also means without trust, your customers will leave you for the first discount they find. Unless you have a monopoly, your ability to generate trust is the most profitable skill you will possess.
This program is focused on giving you techniques you can use today to significantly increase your business’ profitability by learning how your customers think. You will walk out of this program with a greater understanding of what your customers want from you and how you can deliver results to them in the way that they will buy it.
Some of the transferable techniques you will gain as a result of hearing this program are:
• How to magnetically attract customers without manipulation.
• The most persuasive words you can use with your customers at any time.
• How to gain trust with any customer in 3 minutes or less on the telephone or face to face.
• How to check how much trust you have.Women are and will be a huge catalyst of change in the coming years. They will also become a major source of your new business. Yet men still do not have a good idea of what women want or even how to communicate with them. You’ll learn not only how women influence your business but, also how to build strong customer relationships with them in any business situation.
Peak Performance
How To Increase Your Business By 80% Within 8 Weeks
Research has shown that most salespeople engage in self-defeating behavior that severely limits production. You probably see this every day. Otherwise why would so many salespeople with so much talent end up in mediocrity. Almost 50% of business’ fail due to the owners fear of rejection. According to the Small Business Administration, 85% of the businesses started this year will fail within 2 years. Unfortunately, the same is true of most salespeople. It is rare for a salesperson to become a superstar. Managers only make a guess as to who will succeed and who will be looking for another job next year. But the truth is most salespeople have a working knowledge of how to sell. They just don’t sell well enough to the right people. One of the reasons for this self-sabotage is psychological fear.In this program you will learn how to get past the self-sabotaging fear which paralyzes most salespeople and turn it into a strength. You will learn ideas to help you set goals and use them by designing your own game plan. How to identify your sales activity and sales averages and incorporate them into a plan that will at least double your income. You will also learn a 8 week plan that will increase your production in a very short period of time.
What you will gain from this program:
• How salespeople sabotage themselves.
• The most persuasive words you can use with your customers at any time.
• How to get past the fear using SUDS.
• Setting and staying focused on objectives.
• How To Stay On Your Game Plan.
• The 8 Week Program that will maximize your strengths and make you money. -
Sales Magic
How to Sell in a New Millennium
Recent psychological research has uncovered powerful yet easy to use techniques that will help you become more effective at closing business. These studies, based on years of university research suggest that the ability to develop and maintain trust is the most important skill a sales professional can have. It is the prime reason why a select few achieve peak performance and high production in spite of economic conditions and poor markets. Yet trust is not just an abstract concept.Your ability to gain trust is 4 times more important to your client than market performance. Trust is also worth a whopping 17% of the fees your client pays. There are specific techniques you can learn to gain anyone’s trust at any time. This step by step presentation will give you skills necessary to sell the way people want to buy instead of how you want to sell.
The benefits you’ll receive from this program:
• How to discover your prospect’s unique buying strategy.
• How to determine your clients buying style: and learn to sell the way they want to buy.
• How color influences sales.
• The 3 best and worst colors you can use to influence high income clients.
• How to determine when people are telling the truth.
• How to change negative people into those who buy.This presentation is a step beyond standard sales skills. It will give you ideas to use immediately and for the rest of your career.
Marketing To The Affluent
How To Find Them And How To Sell To Them
The average American family now makes $38,000 a year, has 2 kids and 1 dog. Lives in a house worth less than $186,000. The average American family buys a car every 5 years and/ or leases one every 3 years. They have $20,000 in an investment vehicle of some kind but don’t yet have a financial plan for retirement. They don’t think social security will be around when they retire yet saves less than 3% of what they make and have more than $7,000 in credit card debt. They look like they have money. But if you market to them, you will spin your resource wheels and make very little compensation.Only 5% of America makes more than $100,000 a year. 1% of Americans make more than $250,000 a year. Yet these better heeled breed are keenly aware of their finances and are careful about their investments. Most tend to be business owners instead of physicians. Married instead of single. Most have kids and grandkids. Yet few own boats and wouldn’t even consider owning a house worth more than $275,000. They are more likely to drive a pick up truck than a Rolls Royce. They don’t entertain cold calls from sales people and are unlikely to belong to a country club. Selling to these high net worth investors is extremely profitable to financial advisors who know the secrets to how they buy. Yet if you sell these big hitters like any other prospect, they will reject you. 93% of those who left a financial advisor in the last year didn’t walk because of low investment return. They left because the advisor didn’t know how to communicate and sell the way the affluent investor buys. This is America’s new breed of affluent investor. If you know how to find them, how they buy, and how to build a relationship with them, this market will be very profitable for you.
The benefits you’ll receive from this program:
• Who are Affluent Investors and where can you find them.
• How to reach and gain appointments with affluent investors.
• How to discover the Affluent Investor’s unique buying style and keep them as clients for life.
• The 2 probing questions that will cause Affluent Investors to sell themselves.
• How to sell the Affluent Investor the way they want to buy instead of the way you want to sell.